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Utility Rate Schedule

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The Finance and Administrative Services Department, under the guidance of the City Manager, has oversight of all financial transactions within the City including, but not limited to, payables, payroll, billing and collections, debt and investments, utility meter reading, and customer service. The Department uses prudent financial planning and management of the City’s operating and capital finances, while controlling and monitoring the spending and ensuring compliance with regulations and accounting standards. The City’s long standing A- bond rating reflects the department’s success. The Department’s mission is to provide outstanding, comprehensive fiscal services and exceptional customer service through transparency, technology, and a highly qualified and trained staff.

The Department is comprised of four operating divisions: Administration, Billing and Customer Service, Treasury Services, and Financial Services, under the direction of the Director.


The Administration Division provides leadership to the other Department's operating divisions and financial policy direction to City Administration, and other City departments and related entities to include the Utility Special District (USD) and the Riviera Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). The Administration Division coordinates the development and review of the City’s investment, debt, and reserve policies. The Division strives to ensure that the City continues to earn outstanding bond ratings. The Administration Division collaborates with the City’s departments to develop the City’s annual operating budget and the City’s Five-Year Capital Plan. The Division oversees the production of financial documents, including the annual budget, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), rating agency presentation, and cost allocation plan and ensures that the City meets the requirements of Florida Statutes, Chapter 200 that governs the Truth in Millage (TRIM) process. Throughout the year, the Director works on various projects as required. In addition, the independent audit of the City’s financial records is managed within the Administration Division. The audit is performed in accordance with GAAP and GASB requirements to ensure fiscal responsibility and soundness of the City’s finances.


The Financial Services Division prepares and monitors the City's annual operating and capital budgets to ensure that expenditures are within budget and comply with the City’s policies and procedures. This Division is responsible for the reconciliation of all cash accounts and timely payment to vendors and contractors. Payroll is responsible for processing the payroll for approximately 500 employees as well as for handling federal tax withholding; health, dental and life insurance; and deferred compensation and retirement. The Division is also responsible for grant administration which includes planning, directing and coordinating with City departments; management of the financial and accounting reporting systems to ensure that the information is accurate in order to prepare the City’s financial statements, budgets, and other forecasting mechanisms; and sound financial controls to include reconciliations, adherence to GAAP and GASB principles and standards which are implemented with a view to ensure compliance and prevention of fraud.


The primary responsibility of the Treasury Services Division is to collect and report daily receipts in an efficient and timely manner while providing a high level of customer service to internal and external customers. The Division manages the City's cash and investments in an efficient and safe manner that strictly adheres to the City’s Investment Policy. The Division accurately records the daily receipts from several payment sources, including electronic funds transfers, lockbox receipt transmissions, credit card processor uploads, payment kiosks, and the cashier's window at City Hall. The Division is also responsible for the issuance of business tax receipts. The Division plays an integral role in the implementation of online and point-of-sale payment options, ensuring that all City departments accepting credit and debit cards have safeguards, revenue reconciliation, and reporting protocols in place. The Division will continue to streamline cash receipts processed by implementing and increasing credit card payments channels such on online payments and payments through kiosks. The Division regularly analyzes the City's cash flow needs to maintain a reasonably safe level of short-term investments while providing liquidity to ensure timely distribution of debt service, vendor, and payroll obligations. The Division is responsible for all the City’s bank accounts including the City’s banking services contract, identification of all wire transfers into City bank accounts, investment of City cash, and management of City’s capital projects funds.



The Customer Service Division is responsible for the monthly processing of utility bills for approximately 14,000 accounts in the City. This Division is also responsible for the automated meter reading system, which leads to more accurate billing, allows customers to monitor water usage and enables early notification of potential leaks, and other customer service issues.





Randy M. Sherman

Chief Financial Officer
Phone: (561) 845-4040


Nydia Reynolds

Assistant Finance Director
Phone: (561) 845-4040


Tessfa Bell

Treasury Administrator

Phone: (561) 841-0208


Paula Stephens-Keith

Customer Service Administrator
Phone: (561) 840-3104


Maurice Spence

Assistant Customer Service Administrator

Phone: (561) 841-0201



Finance Department
600 West Blue Heron Blvd.
Riviera Beach, FL. 33404
Phone: (561) 845-4040
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed on Holidays