City of Riviera Beach
Utility Rate Increase
Wednesday, January 15, 2025 | 5:30PM
Riviera Beach Marina Event Center
190 East 13th Street, Riviera Beach, FL 33404
On January 15, 2025, a resolution amending the rates, fees and charges of the City of Riviera Beach Utility Special District (the "District") will be presented to the District Board in order to fund costs associated with a new water treatment plant, regulatory requirements, and other utility infrastructure. The amendment proposes current and future increases to the District's water, sewer, tapping, master meter, sprinkler meter, fire service protection, and service availability rates, fees and charges.
The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. and will be held at the Riviera Beach Marina Event Center, located at 190 East 13th Street, Riviera Beach,
Florida 33404. |