Grant Programs
Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program: Funded portions of the Cunningham Park renovations. Completed May 2018
Small Communities Energy Retrofit: Retrofitted all of the court lighting at Dan Callaway Park to LED. Completed November 2019
Cultural Programs Grant MLK Celebration 2020: Funded activities during the Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration. Completed May 2020
Land and Water Conservation Grant for Municipal Beach: Replaced the playground, added new signage, installed new landscaping, painted and installed new floors in the restrooms, added exercise equipment, new garbage bins, and added landscape curbing. Completed May 2020
Land and Water Conservation Grant for Dan Callaway: Replace park fixtures, tables, benches and waste bins, upgrade electric at amphitheater, upgrade restrooms, and upgrade fields and courts. Estimated completion May 2021
Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program Lone Pine Park: Replace park fixtures, upgrade tennis court and playground. Estimated completion May 2021
Recreational Trails Program Lone Pine Park: Construct a walking trail, add exercise equipment, level multi-purpose area and upgrade landscaping. Estimated completion December 2021