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Government > Departments & Services > All Listings > Youth Empowerment Center > Home > Programs > Programs

Our Programs 

At each academic and developmental level, program volunteers and staff develop interventions aimed at helping at-risk youth learn grade appropriate concepts. By combining these educational interventions with a wide variety of recreational, social, health, and career programs, YEP creates its comprehensive formula for success. Our programs operate in the community of Riviera Beach. Please visit our individual community pages to find out more about the programs that are offered.


GED Program

Palm Beach County School District and Community Education and the City of Riviera Beach Youth Empowerment have partnered together to provide young adults and nontraditional students an continued learning educational opportunity to achieve their high school diploma through completion of the state’s standard GED requirements.


Career Pathway

The program was designed to re-engage students to not only receive their High School diploma through Adult & Community Education; but also achieve a multi pre-apprenticeship certification in the areas of HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Carpentry, and Welding.

After School Service

This program offers Tutoring, Mentoring, Technological and Life Skills, Leadership Training, Certification and Recreation.




Valerie Grimsley


Office: (561) 882-1814



Keathun Gale

YEP Program Coordinator

Office: (561) 882-1814


Office Location:

Emerging Community Center/Youth Empowerment Programs
City of Riviera Beach
2129 N Congress Avenue
Riviera Beach, Florida 33404