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10/13/2022 - We are Rebranding Take The Community Survey
WE ARE REBRANDING TAKE THE COMMUNITY SURVEY OUR RESEARCH INITIATIVE The City of Riviera Beach has begun a research-driven, community-wide identity initiative. We want your input on this important initiative. This rebranding effort will help Riviera Beach stand out in the marketplace as we grow toward our preferred future. The goal is to increase interest and investment in our community from residents. entrepreneurs. companies and visitors. Currently, the City's rebranding contractor, North Star, is conducting research inside and outside the community to uncover perceptions, attitudes and what's unique about Riviera Beach. The survey is an important component of the research and branding initiative conducted by the City of Riviera Beach that informs how the organization can best communicate the benefits of the City in the future. As someone who lives and/or works in Riviera Beach, this is your opportunity to let your voice be heard. Your input in this process is vital.