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10/25/2023 - Safely Dispose of Unused Medication in Riviera Beach Police Department's Pill Drop Box

Safely Dispose of Unused Medication in Riviera Beach Police Department's Pill Drop Box

Unused or expired medications pose a significant health risk when left in our homes. They can lead to accidental poisonings and provide a convenient source for those seeking to misuse or abuse prescription drugs. To address this issue, the Riviera Beach Police Department has introduced a Pill Drop Box, allowing residents to safely and appropriately dispose of their unused or expired prescribed medications. The Pill Drop Box, conveniently located in the front lobby of the police department, provides a secure and hassle-free way to dispose of any expired or unused prescribed medications.

You can access the Pill Drop Box from Monday to Friday between 8 am and 5 pm, excluding holidays. This schedule offers ample flexibility for individuals to drop off their medications at their convenience.

The Pill Drop Box is a vital resource for the community to ensure the safe disposal of medications, preventing potential harm and misuse. It's a simple yet effective way to protect your loved ones and contribute to the overall safety of the community. For more info on the drop box and to see a list of medications that are accepted you can visit