To All Construction Industry Partners:
Tropical Storm Isaias is approaching the east coast of Florida. While we hope that this storm will pass us by, we must undertake reasonable preparations to weather the effects of this storm. Recent storm impacts around the country remind us that we must remain vigilant in our preparations for a major storm event.
Specific language in the Florida Building Code (FBC) relative to storm preparedness include the following references:
• Section 3301.2 of the FBC requires equipment and materials to be stored and placed so as not to endanger the public, the workers or adjoining property for the duration of the construction project.
Accordingly, every permit holder and subcontractor in the City of Riviera Beach must adhere to the following:
1. Upon issuance of a tropical storm or hurricane watch for our area by the National Weather Service, immediate actions should be undertaken to secure/prepare a project/site for the potential effects of a storm event. Ordinary activity may continue, if these actions are being taken.
2. Upon the issuance of a tropical storm or hurricane warning for our area by the National Weather Service, all normal construction activities are ordered to suspend except for those activities directly necessary to secure a project or site in preparation for a storm event.
3. All regulated work may resume once the storm has passed and the prevailing winds drop below tropical storm force (40 mph) at the site.
Thank you in advance for acting responsibly by protecting your project from unnecessary damage and our community from collateral damage from flying debris. Please distribute this communication to all of your stakeholders and urge them to remind their coworkers of the need to help mitigate potentially dangerous construction scenarios.