The Communications Division supports the City's communication efforts by increasing awareness of government services and activities. Information is regularly distributed to residents, businesses, the media, City officials and employees of the City of Riviera Beach. Communications serves as an information resource center for the public and employees by developing and implementing public information strategies as well as coordinating internal communications. Services under this division include, but are not limited to: the managing of the city's social media accounts, website content, provides electronic and paper newsletters, video production, promotional materials and crisis communication services.

RBTV is the City of Riviera Beach's public, educational and government access TV station operating under Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. RBTV provides 24 hour programming for and about the City of Riviera Beach and its residents. The primary focus is to educate, inform, and enhance our community. All City Council members broadcast regular updates of local services and information. Additionally, information about recycling, emergency management, member events, meeting dates and times and other programs are broadcast on the channel.
Where Can I Watch?
RBTV broadcasts on Comcast and AT&T U-verse. However, to see videos on demand, go to our YouTube Channel. Search “Riviera Beach TV” or click the button below:
Program Guide
Start Title
12:00 AM Utility District 1/15/25
3:00 AM Council Meeting 1/15/25
5:35 PM CRA Meeting 1/22/25
9:35 AM Planning & Zoning 1/23/25
12:00 PM Utility District 1/15/25
3:00 PM Council Meeting 1/15/25
5:35 PM CRA Meeting 1/22/25
9:35 PM Planning & Zoning 1/23/25
*This schedule is valid as of Friday, January 24, 2025 and is subject to change.