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Finance Department Resources

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Utility customers may access their utility account information, billing and payment history, and service and consumption summaries and graphs at any time through your computer or mobile device. New users will be required to register to access their utility account. You will need to provide your name, an email address which will serve as your log-in username, and a password. Please have your City of Riviera Beach Utility account number and customer number (CID) available. Major credit cards, debit cards, and checking account may be used to make payments.
Login to your account to pay online

Benefits for registering:
Access to you Utility Bills and payment history anytime,
Pay your Utility Bill securely.
Enroll in automatic bill payment options.


By clicking on this button, you will be redirected to a third party website:

Register for Online access


Instructions To Register for online access



If your service is disconnected, please call us at (561) 845-4050 Monday through Friday (excluding City holidays) 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

• Phone: (561) 845-4050

Monday through Friday (excluding City holidays)
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

After hours service for water reconnections
Monday to Friday 5:00 p.m to 7:00 p.m.
Weekends and City holidays 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

• : (561) 845-4050

Emergency after hours for water breaks and sewer back ups

• Email:

• In Person: City Hall, 600 W. Blue Heron Boulevard
Monday through Friday (excluding City holidays)
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.



Call 1-877-878-7406 at any time. Major credit cards, debit cards, and checking account may be used to make payments. Please have your City of Riviera Beach utility account number and customer identification number (CID) available.

Automatic Bill Payment

Automatic bill payment is a stress free way to pay your utility bill on time every month. Set it up once and on your utility bill due date, your bill amount will be withdrawn from your credit card or bank account.

How to enroll:

• Log in to your online account, or if you are a new user, you will need to register to access your account.

• To sign up for automatic bill payment using your checking account, please click on Sign up for EFT Automatic Payments and enter your bank account number and routing number (U.S. accounts only).

• To sign up for automatic bill payment using your credit card, please click on Pay by Credit Card and click on Enroll. Continue to the payment section and enter your credit card information.

• You will need to pay any current balance using your current payment method. EFT and credit card payments will begin with you next monthly bill and will state “Do Not Pay.”

Bill Pay Service through your Bank

Set up the City of Riviera Beach as a payee on your bank’s bill payment system. For the account number, please enter your utility bill account and customer numbers as shown on your utility bill and other required information. Your bank will remit your utility payment directly to the City of Riviera Beach. The City will then apply the payment to your utility account upon receipt of payment from your bank.


Payments must be in the form of check, cashier’s check or money order along with your bill payment stub. Do not mail cash.
Please mail to:
City of Riviera Beach
P.O. Box 916035, Orlando, FL 32891-6035

City Hall Lobby Service

City Hall Lobby – 600 W. Blue Heron Boulevard, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Cash, major credit cards, debit cards, checks, cashier’s checks and money orders are accepted.


• City Hall Lobby – 600 W. Blue Heron Boulevard, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Cash, major credit cards, debit cards, checks, cashier’s checks and money orders are accepted.

• City Hall Drive through – On the west side of City Hall, 600 W. Blue Heron Boulevard, available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Major credit cards, debit cards, checks, cashier’s checks and money orders are accepted. Cash is not accepted.

Payments at the kiosks are processed on the next business day.

Drop Box

Located at the west side of City Hall, 600 W. Blue Heron Boulevard, available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Payments must be in the form of checks, cashier’s checks or money orders along with your bill payment stub. Cash should not be placed in the drop box. Payments placed in the drop box are processed on the next business day.


Ways to Pay Your Utility Bill



Learn about your utility bill and how to read your utility bill. To view an easy-to-read utility bill sample, which includes the definitions of the terminology on your utility bill, please click on the link below.


Your Utility Bill Explained



The City provides WaterSmart as a tool for its customers to view and understand their recent water use in gallons, compare current and past household usage, and find water and money savings tips with step-by-step guidance. Customers may choose to receive your water report and other notifications via email, phone or text.
To get started, you will need your Customer number and your zip code. Your Customer number is on your utility bill from the City. If you have any questions, please contact the City at (561) 845-4040 for assistance.

Once registered, your free, customized WaterSmart dashboard provides ways to reduce water use and lower bills while doing your part to ensure water conservation. Learn about your water use, compare to similar households in your neighborhood and discover ways to save water and money.
Click on the link below to access the WaterSmart portal.




The City of Riviera Beach’s Utility Assistance Program (UAP) is to assist residential customers who are 60 years or older or any person with a disability regardless of age with household total income at or below the “Low Income (80%)” category from the 2015 Palm Beach County Annual Income Limits may receive a credit. The benefit amount will depend on total household income and household size.  Please click on the link below to access the application form and details on the program, such as the eligibility requirements, required documentation, application process, and how to submit the application.


Utility Assistance Program





Randy M. Sherman

Chief Financial Officer
Phone: (561) 845-4040


Nydia Reynolds

Assistant Finance Director
Phone: (561) 845-4040


Tessfa Bell

Treasury Administrator

Phone: (561) 841-0208


Paula Stephens-Keith

Customer Service Administrator
Phone: (561) 840-3104


Maurice Spence

Assistant Customer Service Administrator

Phone: (561) 841-0201



Finance Department
600 West Blue Heron Blvd.
Riviera Beach, FL. 33404
Phone: (561) 845-4040
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed on Holidays