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Gardening Program

Government > Departments & Services > All Listings > Health & Human Services > Health Services > Gardening Program > Gardening Program

Sow & Grow

The Health and Human Service Committee are excited to bring to you the Sow and Grow Backyard Gardening project.  This idea was birthed with the goal of creating Self-sufficiency for the residents of the city. The inaccessibility of fresh Fruits and vegetables is one of the reasons for many diet-related illnesses that plague the African American community. Gardening is a lost art with many benefits.

A few Gardening Benefits
  • Exposure to vitamin D. Vitamin D increases your calcium levels, which benefits your bones and immune system.
  • Mental Health Improvements such as mood booster or stress reliever.
  • Enjoyable aerobic exercise.
  • Improves your physical strength, heart health, weight, sleep, and immune systems

Because gardens are accessible spaces for all people including children, the elderly, and those with a disability establishing them can contribute greatly to redressing health inequalities.

Apply to the Program
For additional information please contact the Riviera Beach Community Development Corporation (CDC) at 561-844-3408.