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Public Records Request

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Welcome to the City of Riviera Beach’s Public Records Request webpage! We are dedicated and committed to providing extraordinary customer service to all customers.


Special Service Charge


The City of Riviera Beach may charge an administrative fee if the nature or volume of the requested records is such as to require extensive use of information technology resources or extensive clerical or supervisory assistance (extensive is defined as taking more than 15 minutes to locate, review confidential information, copy and re-file requested material). An invoice will be generated for applicable fees in compliance with FS 119.07 (d), (e) (1), (e) (2), and (4) (d); a deposit may be required. Payment must be received prior to the release of requested records. Records may be inspected without charge in accordance to FS 119.07 (a), although there may be a special service charge connected with gathering the records. The administrative fee is in addition to the actual cost of duplication and is reasonably based on the cost incurred for such extensive use of information technology resources or the labor cost of the personnel providing the service that is actually incurred by any city department or attributable to such department for the clerical and supervisory assistance required, or both. You may inspect the requested records without charge.


Public Records Request Fees 


The Riviera Beach Office of the City Clerk is required to assess the following fees and charges when applicable:

  • One - Sided Copies: 15 cents per page of not more than 14 inches by 8 1⁄2 inches.
  • Two-Sided Copies: 20 cents per page of not more than 14 inches by 8 1⁄2 inches.
  • For All Other Copies: Actual cost of duplication of the public record.
  • Certified Copies: $1 per page


Although the law does not require a public records request be made in writing, you may consider doing this to maintain an accurate record of your request.  If you make your request in writing, it becomes a public record that provides evidence of your request.  (Florida First Amendment Foundation FAQs)


How to submit a public records request: 

  • You can submit a request by  using the Go Riviera - Service Request form below.  Simply click on the  green “Next” tab to skip to the " Location" section and follow through accordingly.  
  • You can go to 600 W. Blue Heron Blvd, Office #140, Riviera Beach, FL 33404
  • You can send us an email at
  • You can call us at (561) 845-4090
  • You can send a fax to (561) 840-3438



To make payment for a Public Records Request, click on the following link: 




Office of the City Clerk
600 West Blue Heron Blvd. 
Riviera Beach, FL. 33404
Phone: (561) 845-4090
Fax: (561) 840-3438


Hours of Operation 
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed on Holidays


Debrah Hall, CMC, FCRM
Acting City Clerk
Phone: (561) 845-4092 


Debra M. Lawson
Sr Staff Assistant

Phone: (561) 845-4097 


Arndrea Joseph
Staff Assistant

Phone: (561) 845-3467 


Dante Wright
City Courier

Phone: (561) 845-4090