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Introduction & Vision Mission and Values

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Our Vision
The Best Waterfront City in which to Live, Work, and Play.

Our Mission
We are committed to creating an exceptional City by providing excellent customer service
progressive leadership, and accountable stewardship.

Our Values
PROFESSIONALISM - We expect and demand courteous and professional
service of all those who represent the City.

ETHICS AND INTEGRITY - We will continue to recruit and employ individuals with
the highest professional and ethical standards to ensure
that there is transparency and accountability in all phases
of administration, operations and governance.

EXCELLENCE IN CUSTOMER SERVICE - We pride ourselves on our customer-centric focus and
ensuring that City employees are courteous, respectful,
and compassionate in interactions with our community.
We strive to not only meet but also exceed the
expectations of all who we serve.

DIVERSITY - We celebrate diversity as a core tenant and fundamental
aspect of government, and we look to be inclusionary in
activities and programs in an effort to ensure everyone is
equally part of the process.

RESPECT FOR OPINIONS - We respect all opinions and welcome collegial and
productive conversations intended to move the City
progressively forward.

TRANSPARENCY - We are acutely aware public trust is paramount to every
conceivable aspect of government. We understand
transparency is at the forefront as it is the bedrock for
good" governance.


INNOVATION - We are a City, which embraces innovation, creativity,
and accountability and acknowledges the best ideas and
solutions to issues in the 21st century are derived from from an environment that promotes these respected ideals.



The city of Riviera Beach is located along the Atlantic shores of southeast Florida in Palm Beach County. With a population of more than 30,000 residents, Riviera Beach is home to one of the most impressive beaches in the southeastern United States. Boasting an average year-round temperature of 75 degrees, Riviera Beach proudly calls itself the “Best Waterfront City in Which to Live, Work, and Play.”




Riviera Beach carries a rich history starting with our Native Americans 800 years ago who lived on fish, occassional small game, berries and roots; through Judge Heyer and the Oak Lawn Hotel; Charles N. Newcomb; and Paris Singer and his Island. The booklet A History of Riviera Beach, Florida published by the Bicentennial Commission of Riviera Beach, Florida in 1976 is still a great source of information today. We are proud to present this booklet in PDF format (4.25MB) on our Web site. 

History Booklet




Along the waterfront in Riviera Beach, residents and tourists enjoy the city’s shops, restaurants, and spectacular attractions. The waterfront marketplace draws in crowds of tourists headed for the cruise ships; the Port of Palm Beach is located right in Riviera Beach, and the Bahamas Celebration cruise ship departs every other day.


Contact Information

Economic and Business Development Manager
City Manager’s Office
1481 W. 15th Street, Suite 133
Riviera Beach, FL, 33404
Office: 561-515-6479