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Garbage & Recycling

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Information On Solid Waste Collection Service Provider

City of Riviera Beach Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Services  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  The City of Riviera Beach (City) is pleased to announce its new partnership with The Goode Companies of Florida, Inc. (GCI) to provide solid waste and recycling collection services to our residents and businesses. The new service with GCI began on Saturday, October 1, 2022. Below are prevalent Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) concerning the new service provider, garbage carts, rates, routes, standards and types of collectable waste and recycling items.   New Service Provider  Why is the City switching to a new solid waste and recycling collection service provider?    On November 16, 2011, the City of Riviera Beach entered into a ten-year agreement with Waste Management of Florida. On October 6, 2021, the agreement was extended to twelve months to allow for a new solicitation and procurement of a vendor. Upon completion of the solicitation process, the Goode Companies of Florida Inc. (GCI) was selected as the new solid waste and recycling collection service provider. In September 2022, the City and GCI entered into an agreement for GCI to commence services on October 1, 2022.     Who is the Goode Companies of Florida, Inc.?  GCI was founded in 1991 and established its Solid Waste Division to provide solid waste and recycling collection services for residential and commercial entities.   Rates  Will the trash collection charge be included on the City’s monthly utility bill? The solid waste collection and recycling charges will continue to be included on the customers’ monthly utility bills which are issued by the City.  Will the new waste service provider charge more to gated communities?  There is not an additional cost to gated communities.     Why is the new rate more than the current solid waste collection and recycling rate?   The higher rate of providing solid waste collection and recycling services is a result of the increased cost for labor, fuel and capital equipment.    Garbage Waste  What is considered garbage? Garbage is food waste and discarded or useless material.  Will the residential garbage carts be replaced? GCI will exchange the existing green colored garbage carts with brand new blue garbage carts over the next few months to residential customers. Continue to use the green carts until the exchanges are made. In the event that a new container is not provided by December 31, please contact the City's Public Works Department at (561) 845-4080 or GCI at (561) 444-3442.   What happens to the existing green garbage carts?   GCI should collect the old green colored carts no later than December 31.    May additional garbage carts be requested and if so, what is the cost?  The trash collection charge on utility bills provides for one garbage cart per residence. However, customers may request additional carts from GCI at a cost of $85 per cart. The cost of the additional cart will be included in the trash fee as depicted on the City’s monthly utility bill. Payments are accepted in the form of credit cards and money orders.  There is no limitation on the number of carts a customer can purchase. Please call GCI at (561) 444-3442 to order additional carts.  Why is there a cost for a new garbage cart?   The automated service requires the purchase of new garbage carts that are designed to complement the automated collection equipment. The automated collection equipment is calibrated to the exact specifications of the new carts.   Must the assigned garbage cart be left at the respective property when a household moves out of a residence?  The assigned garbage carts are to remain at the original property and be safely stored in a secure place for the new household.  Each cart is uniquely numbered and the respective number is assigned to a specific property.   What if a garbage cart is broken or stolen? If the collection truck causes the damage or if the damage is a result of normal wear, the impaired cart will be replaced or repaired at no cost. Damage resulting from negligence or misuse will be the responsibility of the resident. Stolen carts will be replaced at no charge to the customer.  What are the guidelines for garbage that is considered appropriate for collecting? Garbage waste must be placed inside the garbage cart provided by GCI. Garbage bags and other garbage debris that are placed outside the garbage cart will not be collected.  What time should garbage carts be placed curbside for garbage collection service?   Curbside residential solid waste collection service will be provided between the hours of 6 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and on Saturdays from 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. except for holidays. Dwelling units receiving containerized residential solid waste collection service and non residential collection sites located within 150 yards of residential uses will only be collected between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Other non-residential locations may be collected at any time. The hours of collection may be extended due to extraordinary circumstances or conditions.  Where must garbage carts be placed for collection service? Proper placement of carts is curbside at a safe distance of at least 4 to 6 feet away from any plantings, fencing, mailboxes or vehicles, with the front of the cart facing the street.   How often will garbage be collected? Curbside residential garbage collection service will remain at two days per week. Yard and bulk waste, and recyclables will be collected once per week on one of the two scheduled collection days.   Will garbage collection routes change? Presently, routes will remain the same. If routes are changed, new route information will be provided with advance notice.  Any new route changes will be effective after November 30.    Recycling Waste   What is the collection schedule for recycling? The current recycling collection schedule will remain the same.  This means that curbside recycling collection will be provided once per week on either of the two regularly scheduled garbage collection days.  Any schedule change(s) to this particular service will not take effect until after November 30 and customers will be notified in advance.   Will recycling bins be provided? Please use your current recycling bins. If a household needs more than one recycle bin, please contact GCI at (561) 444-3442 or the Solid Waste Authority at (561) 640-4000 to order additional bins at no charge.   Bulk and Yard Waste and Construction and Demolition Debris (C&D)  How often will bulk and yard waste and construction and demolition debris be collected?  Bulk and yard waste will be collected on one of the two regularly scheduled garbage collection days.   What yard waste collection services does GCI provide? Yard waste includes leaves, tree and hedge trimmings, palm fronds and tree limbs. Loose leaves and grass clippings must be placed in a bag. Larger yard waste such as tree limbs must be placed neatly by the curb. Any schedule change(s) to yard waste collection service will be communicated to customers through advance notice.  Any such changes will not take effect until after November 30.  What is the limit for bulk waste and construction and demolition debris (C&D) collection?  Bulk waste and construction and demolition debris (C&D) resulting from minor home maintenance and repair will only be collected at the curbside.  Small pieces of C&D, such as tile or roofing material, will be containerized and weigh no more than 50 pounds per container. Bulk waste does not have a weight limit, but is limited to three bulk items or two cubic yards per service. GCI is not required to collect sections of fencing or debris resulting from the demolition of sheds, storage buildings and other like structures or debris generated by major remodeling/construction projects. GCI or another waste hauler could collect sections of fencing or debris resulting from the demolition of sheds, storage buildings and other like structures or debris generated by major remodeling/construction projects at an additional cost to the customer. To arrange pick up by GCI, please call (561) 444-3442.  How is excessive bulk waste collection scheduled? Bulk waste collection in excess of 6 cubic yards must be scheduled for pick up directly with GCI by contacting them at (561) 444-3442 to request the service.   How much yard waste can be collected on the scheduled waste collection day? Curbside residential yard waste is limited to 6 cubic yards per pick-up. Waste in excess of 6 cubic yards is non-compliant and is subject to charge. The weight limit for yard waste is 50 pounds.  GCI will charge the City for non-compliant bulk and yard waste removal at a cost of $8 per cubic yard for vegetation and $22 per cubic yard for bulk waste. Charges will be invoiced to the City at the end of the month. Residents ultimately will be responsible for noncompliant charges, which will be included on their utility bill from the City.   Hazardous Material  What kind of hazardous waste is unacceptable? Items such as tires, paint and glass are unacceptable for collection and will not be picked up by GCI.   For a list of drop off locations for these items, please visit:  General  Did the City consider creating its own solid waste collection service?  Establishing a solid waste collection service requires a significant capital investment.    How are missed collections reported?    In the event there is a missed pick up of curbside residential or commercial waste, please use the City’s digital service ticketing system at and select the option for missed trash pickup or call the City’s Public Works Department at (561) 845-4080.  How is waste collection provided to persons with disabilities? Services can be arranged for elderly residents and individuals with disabilities that prevent a customer from safely rolling a cart to and from the curb. GCI will collect carts from residents’ garage doors or backdoors and return the carts after service. Please call GCI at (561) 444-3442 to make arrangements.  What happens if the scheduled solid waste collection days fall on a holiday?   Residential collection services are not offered on the following holidays in observance of Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.   Collection services will resume on the next scheduled service day.  Customer Service and Relations  City info will be listed  City of Riviera Beach Public Works Department Telephone number: (561) 845-4080 Email:  Office Hours:  Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.  Online: Download the Go Riviera App for iOS and Android in the App Store  The Goode Companies of Florida, Inc. (GCI)  Telephone number: (561) 444-3442 Email: Office Hours:  Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.  Online:
City of Riviera Beach Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Services  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  The City of Riviera Beach (City) is pleased to announce its new partnership with The Goode Companies of Florida, Inc. (GCI) to provide solid waste and recycling collection services to our residents and businesses. The new service with GCI began on Saturday, October 1, 2022. Below are prevalent Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) concerning the new service provider, garbage carts, rates, routes, standards and types of collectable waste and recycling items.   New Service Provider  Why is the City switching to a new solid waste and recycling collection service provider?    On November 16, 2011, the City of Riviera Beach entered into a ten-year agreement with Waste Management of Florida. On October 6, 2021, the agreement was extended to twelve months to allow for a new solicitation and procurement of a vendor. Upon completion of the solicitation process, the Goode Companies of Florida Inc. (GCI) was selected as the new solid waste and recycling collection service provider. In September 2022, the City and GCI entered into an agreement for GCI to commence services on October 1, 2022.     Who is the Goode Companies of Florida, Inc.?  GCI was founded in 1991 and established its Solid Waste Division to provide solid waste and recycling collection services for residential and commercial entities.   Rates  Will the trash collection charge be included on the City’s monthly utility bill? The solid waste collection and recycling charges will continue to be included on the customers’ monthly utility bills which are issued by the City.  Will the new waste service provider charge more to gated communities?  There is not an additional cost to gated communities.     Why is the new rate more than the current solid waste collection and recycling rate?   The higher rate of providing solid waste collection and recycling services is a result of the increased cost for labor, fuel and capital equipment.    Garbage Waste  What is considered garbage? Garbage is food waste and discarded or useless material.  Will the residential garbage carts be replaced? GCI will exchange the existing green colored garbage carts with brand new blue garbage carts over the next few months to residential customers. Continue to use the green carts until the exchanges are made. In the event that a new container is not provided by December 31, please contact the City's Public Works Department at (561) 845-4080 or GCI at (561) 444-3442.   What happens to the existing green garbage carts?   GCI should collect the old green colored carts no later than December 31.    May additional garbage carts be requested and if so, what is the cost?  The trash collection charge on utility bills provides for one garbage cart per residence. However, customers may request additional carts from GCI at a cost of $85 per cart. The cost of the additional cart will be included in the trash fee as depicted on the City’s monthly utility bill. Payments are accepted in the form of credit cards and money orders.  There is no limitation on the number of carts a customer can purchase. Please call GCI at (561) 444-3442 to order additional carts.  Why is there a cost for a new garbage cart?   The automated service requires the purchase of new garbage carts that are designed to complement the automated collection equipment. The automated collection equipment is calibrated to the exact specifications of the new carts.   Must the assigned garbage cart be left at the respective property when a household moves out of a residence?  The assigned garbage carts are to remain at the original property and be safely stored in a secure place for the new household.  Each cart is uniquely numbered and the respective number is assigned to a specific property.   What if a garbage cart is broken or stolen? If the collection truck causes the damage or if the damage is a result of normal wear, the impaired cart will be replaced or repaired at no cost. Damage resulting from negligence or misuse will be the responsibility of the resident. Stolen carts will be replaced at no charge to the customer.  What are the guidelines for garbage that is considered appropriate for collecting? Garbage waste must be placed inside the garbage cart provided by GCI. Garbage bags and other garbage debris that are placed outside the garbage cart will not be collected.  What time should garbage carts be placed curbside for garbage collection service?   Curbside residential solid waste collection service will be provided between the hours of 6 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and on Saturdays from 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. except for holidays. Dwelling units receiving containerized residential solid waste collection service and non residential collection sites located within 150 yards of residential uses will only be collected between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Other non-residential locations may be collected at any time. The hours of collection may be extended due to extraordinary circumstances or conditions.  Where must garbage carts be placed for collection service? Proper placement of carts is curbside at a safe distance of at least 4 to 6 feet away from any plantings, fencing, mailboxes or vehicles, with the front of the cart facing the street.   How often will garbage be collected? Curbside residential garbage collection service will remain at two days per week. Yard and bulk waste, and recyclables will be collected once per week on one of the two scheduled collection days.   Will garbage collection routes change? Presently, routes will remain the same. If routes are changed, new route information will be provided with advance notice.  Any new route changes will be effective after November 30.    Recycling Waste   What is the collection schedule for recycling? The current recycling collection schedule will remain the same.  This means that curbside recycling collection will be provided once per week on either of the two regularly scheduled garbage collection days.  Any schedule change(s) to this particular service will not take effect until after November 30 and customers will be notified in advance.   Will recycling bins be provided? Please use your current recycling bins. If a household needs more than one recycle bin, please contact GCI at (561) 444-3442 or the Solid Waste Authority at (561) 640-4000 to order additional bins at no charge.   Bulk and Yard Waste and Construction and Demolition Debris (C&D)  How often will bulk and yard waste and construction and demolition debris be collected?  Bulk and yard waste will be collected on one of the two regularly scheduled garbage collection days.   What yard waste collection services does GCI provide? Yard waste includes leaves, tree and hedge trimmings, palm fronds and tree limbs. Loose leaves and grass clippings must be placed in a bag. Larger yard waste such as tree limbs must be placed neatly by the curb. Any schedule change(s) to yard waste collection service will be communicated to customers through advance notice.  Any such changes will not take effect until after November 30.  What is the limit for bulk waste and construction and demolition debris (C&D) collection?  Bulk waste and construction and demolition debris (C&D) resulting from minor home maintenance and repair will only be collected at the curbside.  Small pieces of C&D, such as tile or roofing material, will be containerized and weigh no more than 50 pounds per container. Bulk waste does not have a weight limit, but is limited to three bulk items or two cubic yards per service. GCI is not required to collect sections of fencing or debris resulting from the demolition of sheds, storage buildings and other like structures or debris generated by major remodeling/construction projects. GCI or another waste hauler could collect sections of fencing or debris resulting from the demolition of sheds, storage buildings and other like structures or debris generated by major remodeling/construction projects at an additional cost to the customer. To arrange pick up by GCI, please call (561) 444-3442.  How is excessive bulk waste collection scheduled? Bulk waste collection in excess of 6 cubic yards must be scheduled for pick up directly with GCI by contacting them at (561) 444-3442 to request the service.   How much yard waste can be collected on the scheduled waste collection day? Curbside residential yard waste is limited to 6 cubic yards per pick-up. Waste in excess of 6 cubic yards is non-compliant and is subject to charge. The weight limit for yard waste is 50 pounds.  GCI will charge the City for non-compliant bulk and yard waste removal at a cost of $8 per cubic yard for vegetation and $22 per cubic yard for bulk waste. Charges will be invoiced to the City at the end of the month. Residents ultimately will be responsible for noncompliant charges, which will be included on their utility bill from the City.   Hazardous Material  What kind of hazardous waste is unacceptable? Items such as tires, paint and glass are unacceptable for collection and will not be picked up by GCI.   For a list of drop off locations for these items, please visit:  General  Did the City consider creating its own solid waste collection service?  Establishing a solid waste collection service requires a significant capital investment.    How are missed collections reported?    In the event there is a missed pick up of curbside residential or commercial waste, please use the City’s digital service ticketing system at and select the option for missed trash pickup or call the City’s Public Works Department at (561) 845-4080.  How is waste collection provided to persons with disabilities? Services can be arranged for elderly residents and individuals with disabilities that prevent a customer from safely rolling a cart to and from the curb. GCI will collect carts from residents’ garage doors or backdoors and return the carts after service. Please call GCI at (561) 444-3442 to make arrangements.  What happens if the scheduled solid waste collection days fall on a holiday?   Residential collection services are not offered on the following holidays in observance of Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.   Collection services will resume on the next scheduled service day.  Customer Service and Relations  City info will be listed  City of Riviera Beach Public Works Department Telephone number: (561) 845-4080 Email:  Office Hours:  Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.  Online: Download the Go Riviera App for iOS and Android in the App Store  The Goode Companies of Florida, Inc. (GCI)  Telephone number: (561) 444-3442 Email: Office Hours:  Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.  Online:
City of Riviera Beach Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Services  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  The City of Riviera Beach (City) is pleased to announce its new partnership with The Goode Companies of Florida, Inc. (GCI) to provide solid waste and recycling collection services to our residents and businesses. The new service with GCI began on Saturday, October 1, 2022. Below are prevalent Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) concerning the new service provider, garbage carts, rates, routes, standards and types of collectable waste and recycling items.   New Service Provider  Why is the City switching to a new solid waste and recycling collection service provider?    On November 16, 2011, the City of Riviera Beach entered into a ten-year agreement with Waste Management of Florida. On October 6, 2021, the agreement was extended to twelve months to allow for a new solicitation and procurement of a vendor. Upon completion of the solicitation process, the Goode Companies of Florida Inc. (GCI) was selected as the new solid waste and recycling collection service provider. In September 2022, the City and GCI entered into an agreement for GCI to commence services on October 1, 2022.     Who is the Goode Companies of Florida, Inc.?  GCI was founded in 1991 and established its Solid Waste Division to provide solid waste and recycling collection services for residential and commercial entities.   Rates  Will the trash collection charge be included on the City’s monthly utility bill? The solid waste collection and recycling charges will continue to be included on the customers’ monthly utility bills which are issued by the City.  Will the new waste service provider charge more to gated communities?  There is not an additional cost to gated communities.     Why is the new rate more than the current solid waste collection and recycling rate?   The higher rate of providing solid waste collection and recycling services is a result of the increased cost for labor, fuel and capital equipment.    Garbage Waste  What is considered garbage? Garbage is food waste and discarded or useless material.  Will the residential garbage carts be replaced? GCI will exchange the existing green colored garbage carts with brand new blue garbage carts over the next few months to residential customers. Continue to use the green carts until the exchanges are made. In the event that a new container is not provided by December 31, please contact the City's Public Works Department at (561) 845-4080 or GCI at (561) 444-3442.   What happens to the existing green garbage carts?   GCI should collect the old green colored carts no later than December 31.    May additional garbage carts be requested and if so, what is the cost?  The trash collection charge on utility bills provides for one garbage cart per residence. However, customers may request additional carts from GCI at a cost of $85 per cart. The cost of the additional cart will be included in the trash fee as depicted on the City’s monthly utility bill. Payments are accepted in the form of credit cards and money orders.  There is no limitation on the number of carts a customer can purchase. Please call GCI at (561) 444-3442 to order additional carts.  Why is there a cost for a new garbage cart?   The automated service requires the purchase of new garbage carts that are designed to complement the automated collection equipment. The automated collection equipment is calibrated to the exact specifications of the new carts.   Must the assigned garbage cart be left at the respective property when a household moves out of a residence?  The assigned garbage carts are to remain at the original property and be safely stored in a secure place for the new household.  Each cart is uniquely numbered and the respective number is assigned to a specific property.   What if a garbage cart is broken or stolen? If the collection truck causes the damage or if the damage is a result of normal wear, the impaired cart will be replaced or repaired at no cost. Damage resulting from negligence or misuse will be the responsibility of the resident. Stolen carts will be replaced at no charge to the customer.  What are the guidelines for garbage that is considered appropriate for collecting? Garbage waste must be placed inside the garbage cart provided by GCI. Garbage bags and other garbage debris that are placed outside the garbage cart will not be collected.  What time should garbage carts be placed curbside for garbage collection service?   Curbside residential solid waste collection service will be provided between the hours of 6 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and on Saturdays from 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. except for holidays. Dwelling units receiving containerized residential solid waste collection service and non residential collection sites located within 150 yards of residential uses will only be collected between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Other non-residential locations may be collected at any time. The hours of collection may be extended due to extraordinary circumstances or conditions.  Where must garbage carts be placed for collection service? Proper placement of carts is curbside at a safe distance of at least 4 to 6 feet away from any plantings, fencing, mailboxes or vehicles, with the front of the cart facing the street.   How often will garbage be collected? Curbside residential garbage collection service will remain at two days per week. Yard and bulk waste, and recyclables will be collected once per week on one of the two scheduled collection days.   Will garbage collection routes change? Presently, routes will remain the same. If routes are changed, new route information will be provided with advance notice.  Any new route changes will be effective after November 30.    Recycling Waste   What is the collection schedule for recycling? The current recycling collection schedule will remain the same.  This means that curbside recycling collection will be provided once per week on either of the two regularly scheduled garbage collection days.  Any schedule change(s) to this particular service will not take effect until after November 30 and customers will be notified in advance.   Will recycling bins be provided? Please use your current recycling bins. If a household needs more than one recycle bin, please contact GCI at (561) 444-3442 or the Solid Waste Authority at (561) 640-4000 to order additional bins at no charge.   Bulk and Yard Waste and Construction and Demolition Debris (C&D)  How often will bulk and yard waste and construction and demolition debris be collected?  Bulk and yard waste will be collected on one of the two regularly scheduled garbage collection days.   What yard waste collection services does GCI provide? Yard waste includes leaves, tree and hedge trimmings, palm fronds and tree limbs. Loose leaves and grass clippings must be placed in a bag. Larger yard waste such as tree limbs must be placed neatly by the curb. Any schedule change(s) to yard waste collection service will be communicated to customers through advance notice.  Any such changes will not take effect until after November 30.  What is the limit for bulk waste and construction and demolition debris (C&D) collection?  Bulk waste and construction and demolition debris (C&D) resulting from minor home maintenance and repair will only be collected at the curbside.  Small pieces of C&D, such as tile or roofing material, will be containerized and weigh no more than 50 pounds per container. Bulk waste does not have a weight limit, but is limited to three bulk items or two cubic yards per service. GCI is not required to collect sections of fencing or debris resulting from the demolition of sheds, storage buildings and other like structures or debris generated by major remodeling/construction projects. GCI or another waste hauler could collect sections of fencing or debris resulting from the demolition of sheds, storage buildings and other like structures or debris generated by major remodeling/construction projects at an additional cost to the customer. To arrange pick up by GCI, please call (561) 444-3442.  How is excessive bulk waste collection scheduled? Bulk waste collection in excess of 6 cubic yards must be scheduled for pick up directly with GCI by contacting them at (561) 444-3442 to request the service.   How much yard waste can be collected on the scheduled waste collection day? Curbside residential yard waste is limited to 6 cubic yards per pick-up. Waste in excess of 6 cubic yards is non-compliant and is subject to charge. The weight limit for yard waste is 50 pounds.  GCI will charge the City for non-compliant bulk and yard waste removal at a cost of $8 per cubic yard for vegetation and $22 per cubic yard for bulk waste. Charges will be invoiced to the City at the end of the month. Residents ultimately will be responsible for noncompliant charges, which will be included on their utility bill from the City.   Hazardous Material  What kind of hazardous waste is unacceptable? Items such as tires, paint and glass are unacceptable for collection and will not be picked up by GCI.   For a list of drop off locations for these items, please visit:  General  Did the City consider creating its own solid waste collection service?  Establishing a solid waste collection service requires a significant capital investment.    How are missed collections reported?    In the event there is a missed pick up of curbside residential or commercial waste, please use the City’s digital service ticketing system at and select the option for missed trash pickup or call the City’s Public Works Department at (561) 845-4080.  How is waste collection provided to persons with disabilities? Services can be arranged for elderly residents and individuals with disabilities that prevent a customer from safely rolling a cart to and from the curb. GCI will collect carts from residents’ garage doors or backdoors and return the carts after service. Please call GCI at (561) 444-3442 to make arrangements.  What happens if the scheduled solid waste collection days fall on a holiday?   Residential collection services are not offered on the following holidays in observance of Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.   Collection services will resume on the next scheduled service day.  Customer Service and Relations  City info will be listed  City of Riviera Beach Public Works Department Telephone number: (561) 845-4080 Email:  Office Hours:  Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.  Online: Download the Go Riviera App for iOS and Android in the App Store  The Goode Companies of Florida, Inc. (GCI)  Telephone number: (561) 444-3442 Email: Office Hours:  Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.  Online:

Bulk Waste And Yard Collection Information

City of Riviera Beach Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Services  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  The City of Riviera Beach (City) is pleased to announce its new partnership with The Goode Companies of Florida, Inc. (GCI) to provide solid waste and recycling collection services to our residents and businesses. The new service with GCI began on Saturday, October 1, 2022. Below are prevalent Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) concerning the new service provider, garbage carts, rates, routes, standards and types of collectable waste and recycling items.   New Service Provider  Why is the City switching to a new solid waste and recycling collection service provider?    On November 16, 2011, the City of Riviera Beach entered into a ten-year agreement with Waste Management of Florida. On October 6, 2021, the agreement was extended to twelve months to allow for a new solicitation and procurement of a vendor. Upon completion of the solicitation process, the Goode Companies of Florida Inc. (GCI) was selected as the new solid waste and recycling collection service provider. In September 2022, the City and GCI entered into an agreement for GCI to commence services on October 1, 2022.     Who is the Goode Companies of Florida, Inc.?  GCI was founded in 1991 and established its Solid Waste Division to provide solid waste and recycling collection services for residential and commercial entities.   Rates  Will the trash collection charge be included on the City’s monthly utility bill? The solid waste collection and recycling charges will continue to be included on the customers’ monthly utility bills which are issued by the City.  Will the new waste service provider charge more to gated communities?  There is not an additional cost to gated communities.     Why is the new rate more than the current solid waste collection and recycling rate?   The higher rate of providing solid waste collection and recycling services is a result of the increased cost for labor, fuel and capital equipment.    Garbage Waste  What is considered garbage? Garbage is food waste and discarded or useless material.  Will the residential garbage carts be replaced? GCI will exchange the existing green colored garbage carts with brand new blue garbage carts over the next few months to residential customers. Continue to use the green carts until the exchanges are made. In the event that a new container is not provided by December 31, please contact the City's Public Works Department at (561) 845-4080 or GCI at (561) 444-3442.   What happens to the existing green garbage carts?   GCI should collect the old green colored carts no later than December 31.    May additional garbage carts be requested and if so, what is the cost?  The trash collection charge on utility bills provides for one garbage cart per residence. However, customers may request additional carts from GCI at a cost of $85 per cart. The cost of the additional cart will be included in the trash fee as depicted on the City’s monthly utility bill. Payments are accepted in the form of credit cards and money orders.  There is no limitation on the number of carts a customer can purchase. Please call GCI at (561) 444-3442 to order additional carts.  Why is there a cost for a new garbage cart?   The automated service requires the purchase of new garbage carts that are designed to complement the automated collection equipment. The automated collection equipment is calibrated to the exact specifications of the new carts.   Must the assigned garbage cart be left at the respective property when a household moves out of a residence?  The assigned garbage carts are to remain at the original property and be safely stored in a secure place for the new household.  Each cart is uniquely numbered and the respective number is assigned to a specific property.   What if a garbage cart is broken or stolen? If the collection truck causes the damage or if the damage is a result of normal wear, the impaired cart will be replaced or repaired at no cost. Damage resulting from negligence or misuse will be the responsibility of the resident. Stolen carts will be replaced at no charge to the customer.  What are the guidelines for garbage that is considered appropriate for collecting? Garbage waste must be placed inside the garbage cart provided by GCI. Garbage bags and other garbage debris that are placed outside the garbage cart will not be collected.  What time should garbage carts be placed curbside for garbage collection service?   Curbside residential solid waste collection service will be provided between the hours of 6 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and on Saturdays from 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. except for holidays. Dwelling units receiving containerized residential solid waste collection service and non residential collection sites located within 150 yards of residential uses will only be collected between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Other non-residential locations may be collected at any time. The hours of collection may be extended due to extraordinary circumstances or conditions.  Where must garbage carts be placed for collection service? Proper placement of carts is curbside at a safe distance of at least 4 to 6 feet away from any plantings, fencing, mailboxes or vehicles, with the front of the cart facing the street.   How often will garbage be collected? Curbside residential garbage collection service will remain at two days per week. Yard and bulk waste, and recyclables will be collected once per week on one of the two scheduled collection days.   Will garbage collection routes change? Presently, routes will remain the same. If routes are changed, new route information will be provided with advance notice.  Any new route changes will be effective after November 30.    Recycling Waste   What is the collection schedule for recycling? The current recycling collection schedule will remain the same.  This means that curbside recycling collection will be provided once per week on either of the two regularly scheduled garbage collection days.  Any schedule change(s) to this particular service will not take effect until after November 30 and customers will be notified in advance.   Will recycling bins be provided? Please use your current recycling bins. If a household needs more than one recycle bin, please contact GCI at (561) 444-3442 or the Solid Waste Authority at (561) 640-4000 to order additional bins at no charge.   Bulk and Yard Waste and Construction and Demolition Debris (C&D)  How often will bulk and yard waste and construction and demolition debris be collected?  Bulk and yard waste will be collected on one of the two regularly scheduled garbage collection days.   What yard waste collection services does GCI provide? Yard waste includes leaves, tree and hedge trimmings, palm fronds and tree limbs. Loose leaves and grass clippings must be placed in a bag. Larger yard waste such as tree limbs must be placed neatly by the curb. Any schedule change(s) to yard waste collection service will be communicated to customers through advance notice.  Any such changes will not take effect until after November 30.  What is the limit for bulk waste and construction and demolition debris (C&D) collection?  Bulk waste and construction and demolition debris (C&D) resulting from minor home maintenance and repair will only be collected at the curbside.  Small pieces of C&D, such as tile or roofing material, will be containerized and weigh no more than 50 pounds per container. Bulk waste does not have a weight limit, but is limited to three bulk items or two cubic yards per service. GCI is not required to collect sections of fencing or debris resulting from the demolition of sheds, storage buildings and other like structures or debris generated by major remodeling/construction projects. GCI or another waste hauler could collect sections of fencing or debris resulting from the demolition of sheds, storage buildings and other like structures or debris generated by major remodeling/construction projects at an additional cost to the customer. To arrange pick up by GCI, please call (561) 444-3442.  How is excessive bulk waste collection scheduled? Bulk waste collection in excess of 6 cubic yards must be scheduled for pick up directly with GCI by contacting them at (561) 444-3442 to request the service.   How much yard waste can be collected on the scheduled waste collection day? Curbside residential yard waste is limited to 6 cubic yards per pick-up. Waste in excess of 6 cubic yards is non-compliant and is subject to charge. The weight limit for yard waste is 50 pounds.  GCI will charge the City for non-compliant bulk and yard waste removal at a cost of $8 per cubic yard for vegetation and $22 per cubic yard for bulk waste. Charges will be invoiced to the City at the end of the month. Residents ultimately will be responsible for noncompliant charges, which will be included on their utility bill from the City.   Hazardous Material  What kind of hazardous waste is unacceptable? Items such as tires, paint and glass are unacceptable for collection and will not be picked up by GCI.   For a list of drop off locations for these items, please visit:  General  Did the City consider creating its own solid waste collection service?  Establishing a solid waste collection service requires a significant capital investment.    How are missed collections reported?    In the event there is a missed pick up of curbside residential or commercial waste, please use the City’s digital service ticketing system at and select the option for missed trash pickup or call the City’s Public Works Department at (561) 845-4080.  How is waste collection provided to persons with disabilities? Services can be arranged for elderly residents and individuals with disabilities that prevent a customer from safely rolling a cart to and from the curb. GCI will collect carts from residents’ garage doors or backdoors and return the carts after service. Please call GCI at (561) 444-3442 to make arrangements.  What happens if the scheduled solid waste collection days fall on a holiday?   Residential collection services are not offered on the following holidays in observance of Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.   Collection services will resume on the next scheduled service day.  Customer Service and Relations  City info will be listed  City of Riviera Beach Public Works Department Telephone number: (561) 845-4080 Email:  Office Hours:  Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.  Online: Download the Go Riviera App for iOS and Android in the App Store  The Goode Companies of Florida, Inc. (GCI)  Telephone number: (561) 444-3442 Email: Office Hours:  Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.  Online:

Billing Changes

For more information on billing changes, click here.

General Guidelines On Collection

Listing files in 'Pickup Schedules'


Garbage Collection

Garbage collection is performed twice a week. Please keep toys, bikes and other "keepers" away from the curb on collection days so we don't take them by mistake. Tires, construction and demolition debris, auto and boat parts, barrels, drums and empty gas tanks are items that are excluded from this service and will not be collected. 

Call The Goode Companies, Inc. (GCI) at (561) 444-3442 to schedule a pick up.



Yard Waste Collection

Any cut limbs, palm fronds, branches, bushes, twigs or grass clippings are considered "yard waste."  Please follow these basic preparations:

  • Loose leaves and grass clippings must be placed in a bag. Larger yard waste such as tree limbs must be placed neatly by the curb.
  • Curbside residential yard waste is limited to 6 cubic yards per pick-up. Waste in excess of 6 cubic yards is non-compliant and is subject to charge. The weight limit for yard waste is 50 pounds.
  • GCI will charge the City for non-compliant bulk and yard waste removal at a cost of $8 per cubic yard for vegetation and $22 per cubic yard for bulk waste. Charges will be invoiced to the City at the end of the month. Residents ultimately will be responsible for noncompliant charges, which will be included on their utility bill from the City.




  • Use the yellow bin for paper (newspapers, magazines and catalogs, brown paper grocery bags, clean corrugated boxes).
  • Use the blue bin for all the rest (clear, brown and green glass containers - with no lids, plastic containers with the one through seven recycling code on them, aluminum cans, pie plates and foil, milk cartons, juice cartons, and drink boxes).


Bulk Pickup

Bulk pickup includes large household items put out for collection. Such items include old furniture, carpeting, appliances, etc. Please do not include construction debris. 

  • Bulk waste and construction and demolition debris (C&D) resulting from minor home maintenance and repair will only be collected at the curbside. Small pieces of C&D, such as tile or roofing material, will be containerized and weigh no more than 50 pounds per container. Bulk waste does not have a weight limit, but is limited to three bulk items or two cubic yards per service. GCI is not required to collect sections of fencing or debris resulting from the demolition of sheds, storage buildings and other like structures or debris generated by major remodeling/construction projects. GCI or another waste hauler could collect sections of fencing or debris resulting from the demolition of sheds, storage buildings and other like structures or debris generated by major remodeling/construction projects at an additional cost to the customer. To arrange pick up by GCI, please call (561) 444-3442.
  • Bulk waste collection in excess of 6 cubic yards must be scheduled for pick up directly with GCI by contacting them at (561) 444-3442 to request the service.
  • GCI will charge the City for non-compliant bulk and yard waste removal at a cost of $8 per cubic yard for vegetation and $22 per cubic yard for bulk waste. Charges will be invoiced to the City at the end of the month. Residents ultimately will be responsible for noncompliant charges, which will be included on their utility bill from the City.
Bulk Collection Schedule


Curbside Tips 

  • Set your waste in front of your property
  • Set out your bins only when they are full
  • Keep garbage bags tightly tied
  • In stormy or windy weather, stack your bins. Put the paper bin on the bottom to prevent papers from flying away
  • Place your waste at the curb or within six feet from the edge of the street so it's easy to see
  • Use recyclables bins only for the proper recyclables. If there are other types of trash or garbage in your recycling bins, we have to leave them behind

Materials like paints, pesticides, pool chemicals, anti-freeze and engine oil need to be disposed of in special ways. Items such as tires, paint and glass are unacceptable for collection and will not be picked up by GCI. For a list of drop off locations for these items, please visit:

Call The Goode Companies, Inc. (GCI) at (561) 444-3442 for more information.


Contact Information

Request A Service

Hours of Operation:
8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday
Closed on Holidays


Administration and All Operational Divisions:

Phone: 561-845-4080

General Email:




Sedrick Clarke
Acting Public Works Director | Department of Public Works

1481 W. 15th Street
Riviera Beach, Florida 33404
Phone: (561) 845-4080


Bernita Blue
Assistant to the Director | Department of Public Works

1481 W. 15th Street
Riviera Beach, Florida 33404
Phone: (561) 845-4080


Mark Jones
Facilities Maintenance Manager | Department of Public Works

1481 W. 15th Street
Riviera Beach, Florida 33404
Phone: (561) 845-4080


Ron McCray

Streets and Grounds Manager | Department of Public Works
1481 W. 15th Street
Riviera Beach, Florida 33404
Phone: (561) 845-4080


Andrew Puleo
Solid Waste Code Compliance Supervisor | Department of Public Works

1481 W. 15th Street
Riviera Beach, Florida 33404
Phone: (561) 845-4080