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Flood Hazard Information

The City of Riviera Beach has applied through the Federal Emergency Management Association and received a 5 % discount for Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) and 5% discount for non-SFHA on Flood Insurance for Riviera Beach homeowners. During extended periods of heavy rainfall, low lying neighborhoods within the city are subject to flooding. Since you are in a flood hazard area, this information will address areas to protect you and reduce loss of value to your property as a result of floods. [Notice to Floodplain Residents]

Flood Hazard

A flood hazard can occur when tropical storms, hurricanes or other heavy rainstorms occur. Although the city has not experienced any major floods, the areas prone to flooding are: coastal areas/shoreline; and Inland bodies of water. If your property floods and you file two or more claims worth $1,000 or more within any 10-yr period you are considered a “repetitive loss” property. Please contact the city to discuss options to flood proof your property and ways to mitigate flood damage.

Protect Yourself

An evacuation plan is important if you live in a flood zone or you feel your home won't be safe under storm conditions. If you choose to leave the area completely it is important to have belongings gathered and a plan in place to get your family out safely. Stay tuned to local TV or radio stations for information. Designate a meeting place with family/friends if an evacuation does occur.
Take a look at an interactive map of evacuation routes provided by Palm Beach County.


The city staff is here to assist you with Hurricane and Disaster Preparation. FEMA brochures are available to learn how to prepare and protect yourself and your property. Visit city hall for more information.

Flood Insurance

The City of Riviera Beach includes a barrier island and certain areas may be prone to flooding. Flooding is not covered by normal homeowners' insurance a separate flood policy is necessary.

You can insure your home with flood insurance for up to:Why-Flood-Insurance-Is-More-Important-Than-You-Think
$250,000 for the building & $100,000 for your contents
For non-residential buildings you can insure for up to:
$500,000 for the building & $500,000 for your contents

Property Protection

You can minimize damage to a structure with a few simple acts:
• Store materials like sandbags, plywood, and plastic sheeting to protect your house from flood waters and to make quick repairs after a severe storm.
• Secure your home before leaving. Bring outdoor belongings such as garbage cans and patio furniture inside the house or tie them down securely. Move essential items and furniture to the upper floors; lock doors and windows.
• Protect windows with storm shutters.
• Elevate the building above the flood level.
• Dry or wet floodproof the building to limit water damage and intrusion.
• Redirect drainage away from the building.
• Maintain storm drains and keep swales clear of debris.
• Correct sewer back-up problems.

Build Responsibly

Get a permit before you build. Contact the Building Department at 561-845-4020 prior to any construction activities or to report illegal floodplain development.
For information on retrofitting or flood proofing your structure to reduce the impact of flooding, call the Building Division at 561-845-4008.

Protect the Drainage System

It is illegal for any direct or indirect entry of solid, liquid or gaseous matter to enter the drainage system. Proper drainage will help reduce the risk of flooding. We inspect the drainage system and remove blockages that are found or reported.  

Map Determinations & Information

The City provides map determinations to let you know if you are in a flood hazard area and if you are required by Federal Law to carry flood insurance. For other pertinent information on flooding call 561-845-4008 or visit our website at

Contact Us

Clarence Sirmons 

Director of Development Services
(561) 845-4060


Hours of Operation

Mon - Thurs: 8:30 a.m.  - 4:30 p.m.
Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
(Staff is available by phone until 5:00 p.m.)

Flood Hazard Information
Helpful Links for Flood Protection


Walk-Through Permits Available

Tues. - Fri. (8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)
(windows; shutters; roofs; water heaters; A/C change outs; flooring and electrical service changes) Please note incomplete application packages are not acceptable for same day issuance.

Business Tax office

Mon. - Fri. (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)
(561) 845-4019


City Construction Hotline
(561) 845-4065

Planning & Zoning
(561) 845-4060

Building & Permits
(561) 845-4020

Code Compliance
(561) 882-3505




Department Staff

Administrative Staff


Grace Joyce
Development Services Operations Manager
(561) 845-3427

A’bbrella Weathers
Senior Office Assistant


Planning & Zoning Staff

Simone M. Davidson, MPA
(561) 845-4067


Building & Permits Staff


Michael Grimm
Building Official

Bovell Richards 
Assistant Building Official 
(561) 845-4006

Clarece D. Hayes
Development Services Coordinator
(561) 845-4020

Chelsea Pemberton
Permit Technician
(561) 845-4026